Summer Taiji/Qigong Retreat in Umbria, Italy 2017

Published: Wed, 07/05/17

Taijiquan and Qigong retreat in Umbria, Italy with Pamela Hiley
17th-24th August
Retreat in Umbria, Italy 17th-24th August
Welcome to Umbria, Italy!

A chance to set aside a whole week to intensify understanding and relax deeply into the practice of Taijiquan and Qigong. You may touch the walls of this historically meaningful monastery where St. Francis of Assisi spent time. The frame of the monastery holds a unique energy field which facilitates profound changes to transform what was into what is and allows for openess towards creating a fruitful future in personal growth and vision. The course is open to all levels of practice both new beginners and more advanced practice.
The course includes full board and lodging in this very unique setting with delicious local Italian food. We also take a day to visit the ancient town of Assisi where we practice quietude in the old quarters of St. Francis.
It is possible with single or double rooms.
For more information please check here or call Pamela mob:91160581
Register here 
Looking forward to introducing you to this very unique opportunity for practice with perseverance and presence.  
Kind Regards,
Pamela Hiley, Director
Norsk Taiji Senter
Kirkegt 1-3
0153 Oslo
Mobil: +47 91160581